Unveil Your Unique Escape Room Management Style!

Thu, 05 Mar, 2020

Playing in an Escape Room as part of a team-building experience can reveal the different leadership styles of the players.

Let's take a look at four unique types of leadership and how they manifest in an Escape Room environment!

1. Democracy

In the Workplace:

Democratic managers believe in giving every employee a voice in important company decisions, fostering a trustworthy and determined workforce.

In an Escape Room:

A democratic manager allows the group to assign their roles and decide the puzzle-solving order in an escape game. Their presence in the room reduces both order and chaos to a minimum.

2. Inspirational

In the Workplace:

Inspirational managers have a desire to see people grow and fulfill their potential. They achieve this through their excellent personal skills and constant encouragement, which they give out as often as possible.

In an Escape Room:

These individuals have a positive attitude and a good-natured personality, contributing to a positive atmosphere while promoting fun and collaboration. In Escape Rooms, inspirational managers excel, motivating team members to fully immerse and engage at every step!

Embark on an exhilarating journey to uncover your true leadership prowess. Excel in Escape Room adventures!

3. Authoritarian

In the Workplace:

People see, hear, and follow authoritarian managers. They are incredibly hands-on and prefer micromanagement at every opportunity. They will personally delegate tasks, and nothing is done without their knowledge! 

In an Escape Room:

In an Escape Room, authoritarian managers will decide on the plan, roles, and pace of the game. If someone in the group is not contributing or if things are progressing too slowly, you will definitely hear about it! The game will run smoothly as long as you don't get on their bad side...

4. Hands-off

In the Workplace:

The "hands-off" manager is available when needed but firmly believes in non-interference and provides little to no supervision. This approach allows their colleagues to come and go as they please.

In an Escape Room:

An Escape Room with a "hands-off" manager can be quite chaotic, but also incredibly fun! In this relaxed environment, each team member's authentic personality emerges. This genuine interaction fosters stronger bonds among everyone.

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