Finding Your Perfect Escape Room Challenge

Thu, 22 Aug, 2019

Escape rooms come in different flavors: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. But here's the deal: Anyone can take on any level of difficulty, and everyone should give it a shot.

Think of them as your trusty guides, ensuring every adventurer gets the most out of their escapade. Feeling unsure about which path to tread? No worries, we've got your back with some handy insights.

  • Beginner: Medium difficulty

When those doors shut, it's no surprise that newcomers may get a touch overwhelmed. Questions flood the mind: What's the plan? Where to even start?

Remember, as the legendary Albert Einstein once quipped, "Experience is the only source of knowledge." Wise words to live by, especially when venturing into the thrilling world of escape room challenges.

Experience: Novice

Age: All

Fulfill your escape room dream. Find the perfect challenge for your group and experience unforgettable moments in our rooms.

  • Intermediate: Moderately challenging

When those doors shut, it's no surprise that newcomers may get a touch overwhelmed. Questions flood the mind: What's the plan? Where to even start?

Remember, as the legendary Albert Einstein once quipped, "Experience is the only source of knowledge." Wise words to live by, especially when venturing into the thrilling world of escape room challenges.

Experience: Journeyman

Age: Teens and above

  • Advanced: Difficult

Now, we're talking serious business! Advanced rooms crank up the difficulty dial, putting every team member's abilities to the ultimate test. Brace yourselves for mind-boggling puzzles, tricky riddles, and bewildering clues that can make even the savviest of rookies scratch their heads.

Escaping an advanced room? It's like earning a black belt achievement. So, are you up for the challenge? Ready to embrace the adrenaline-pumping, nerve-wracking adventure that awaits in a difficult Escape Room?

Experience: Veterans

Age: Teens and above

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